seo tools

8 Best SEO Tools That I Use For My Clients

What SEO tools do I use for my Clients? That is a question that many people who are interested in SEO have asked me. This blog post will answer this question by listing the top 8 SEO tools used by SEO experts. These SEO tools will help you rank higher on search engine results pages and improve your website’s visibility on the internet.

1. Buzzsumo


Buzzsumo is a great SEO tool for finding the most popular content on any given topic. You can enter keywords, and Buzzsumo will generate a list of articles that have been the most popular on social media.

This is an excellent tool for discovering what content your audience likes, and it is also helpful in creating new content that will be successful with readers like them. You can see which articles are getting buzz by clicking on the “buzz” tab at Buzzsumo’s website when you search for topics or by using the Buzzsumo Chrome extension.

BuzzSumo is a tool that can help you find success with your content marketing efforts. Recommended By Neil Patel.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great free SEO tool for SEOs. Google Analytics helps you track traffic to your website, how people find and navigate through the site, which pages have high bounce rates or low conversion rates.

This Google analytics can help you see what content is popular on your site, who visits it most often, where they come from, and much more.

3. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is an SEO tool that many SEO companies use. Ahrefs helps you find high-quality backlinks like guest posting, profile creations, forum, etc. from other sites to improve your google rankings.

Ahrefs will show you which websites are linking to competitors and how they rank on google search engine results pages for the same terms and provide information about their backlinks and social media presence.

This is an excellent tool for SEO companies because it will show you what your competitors are doing to get better google rankings. This way, if they have been making some changes that work well, you can also try them out on your own site or blog.

4. Moz


Moz is another excellent SEO tool for SEOs used to help them get better google rankings. Moz helps you create a Moz profile and Moz pro account so that they can analyze your websites’ page titles, meta descriptions, H tags, etc. They have many different tools in their Moz pro package, including the keyword explorer tool that will show topics related to keywords with high volume and low keyword competition. 

5. Raven Tools

Raven Tools

Raven tool is an SEO tool used by my team and me.

Raven tools help to measure and track your content marketing efforts’ performance to improve future campaigns.

This is an excellent time-saving feature for those who write blog posts, articles, or other forms of online content regularly because it will show you how well different pieces are performing.

6. SEMrush 


Many SEO experts and Companies use the SEMrush tool because it can be helpful to those who want to see what keywords competitors are targeting and how effective their ad campaigns are on social media, as well as the number of backlinks they have pointing towards them from other sites.

7. Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool

Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool

Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool is a great SEO tool for those who want to find broken links on their site. Screaming Frog will crawl your website and point out any pages that are not linking to other pages or have been taken down altogether.

This is another simple way of finding errors, which can be fixed easily by simply entering the correct link into the Screaming Frog search bar. Screaming Frog can also be used to find duplicate content and broken links, which will help with website optimization.

8. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that handles multiple accounts from each of the following social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. Hootsuite offers a free version that allows for three users.

Hootsuite has a dashboard interface with features like alerts and activity streams to keep you updated on your profile’s performance. It also has powerful analytics to help you measure the effectiveness of your content.


These SEO tools are the most popular among SEO experts and will help you to create a better website experience. This will help you rank higher on search engine results pages and improve your website’s visibility.

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